Many different activities are found within the Hird. Perfecting fighting skills and maintaining equipment are obligatory, but there are also a number of optional activities available.

Hird Training sessions - Obligatory
Each local chapter must try to arrange a minimum of two training sessions per month - and each member must try to attend both. Training sessions are not just about practicing fighting skills, but also about meeting other members and having a good time.
Hird Workshop - Obligatory
Hird Workshop activity basically involves making shields, clothes, armor and other items. Each member has to make sure that he owns the proper equipment to participate in Training Sessions.
Ferd Projects - Optional
Ferd translates to “journey”. Many Hird members dream about being able to travel to historical gatherings, or even participating in huge Viking events in other countries. Needless to say, Ferd Projects require a lot of planning. Luckily there is a system in place that makes all of that easier.
Kaupangr Work - Optional
Kaupangr translates to “marketplace” – an important source of income during the Viking Age. Each Hird Hafn is given the opportunity to engage in Kaupangr work within the territory of their Hafn.
Gefa Projects - Optional
Gefa translates to “give”. Each Hird Hafn can choose to get involved with charity work – either locally, or through organizing something together with other Hafns.
Hird Barnheim - Optional
The Hird Barnheim (Old Norse: Home of the Kids) gathers up kids in fun and inspiring activites.